Jan 1, 2016

New Years Resolution

Photo taken by: The 25th Hour Studio

At the beginning of every year everyone creates a New Years Resolution list that they may or may not stick to. They'll write it down, or even make a blog post, and not even look at it until the next new year rolls along. Once again saying "Well, I'll just save it for next year". 

I didn't want to be cliche and make a post of my own but I caved in because lets face it...we are all a little basic inside. 

Work Out & Eat Healthier
This is always everyone's first go-to resolution and it's always the one thats never really kept up with. Lately I haven't been feeling too comfortable with my body and that's because I haven't treated it the way it should be. I definitely gained weight last year from stress eating so this year I want to work out more. Not necessarily be a gym junkie but get to the point where I love my body once again. 

We've all tried the smoothie diets, the detoxes, yet they're all too hard to stick with or just plain ridiculous. Instead you can still be healthy by eating all the foods you love but just learning how to portion it. This year I want to cut back on fast food. Yes, it's cheaper than salad (sadly) but it's so bad for your body. All the grease can make you gain weight and make your skin breakout.

Travel More
Traveling is always good for the soul. Life is too short to stay where you are. It's possible to travel even with a college budget. You just have to spend wisely. Stressed out with life? Why not take a spontaneous trip to the beach or a museum with some friends to clear your head.

Have a Regular Sleep Schedule
Lets face it, with college, theres no such thing as sleep. But you can achieve the possimpible (HIMYM reference) where the possible and impossible meet. It's all about timing. Learning what schedule works for you and to stick with it. Getting your regular 8 hours of sleep can do wonders for your body, mind, and soul. Too cheesy?

The first step to having a regular sleep schedule is by cutting down your coffee and caffeine intake. Cutting off caffeine can give you a deeper and more quality sleep. Craving some coffee? Replace it with some green or herbal tea! Oh, and while you're at it have a cup of water too!

Worry Less
I'm constantly worrying about things that are out of my control. It's a pretty vague and hard resolution because you're committing yourself to not worry about things you can't change. But remember, you can't change it so why waste your time by sitting there worrying? Also worrying about how much you're worrying won't do you any better either. Instead find alternate ways to deal with worrying. Have some coffee with friends, journal, or pet your dog/cat.

Be More Comfortable in My Own Skin
I'm constantly telling myself I'm not as pretty as the famous instagram people, youtubers, and celebrities. I'm not as skinny, tall, or etc. It's time I stop comparing myself to others and find a way to be more comfortable with the body I was born with. Instead of hating my flaws learn to love them. My flaws are what make me who I am so I need to learn to embrace it.

In order to be more comfortable with my skin, I need to take care of myself more as well. Drinking more water, exercising regularly, washing my face daily, and etc. However, what most people forget to take care of is their mind. Do yoga, stretch every morning, and just take out a couple of minutes of your day to just relax and have 'me time'.

My last resolution of all is to actually follow this list. I'm sure I won't truly stick to it all but it's better to say that I tried than not have tried at all.

What are your new years resolutions for 2016? And no, it can't just be "New Year, New Me." (: